February 1, 2005 the Phelps County Emergency Management Agency
combined with Gosper County Emergency Management to form the
Region 15 Emergency Management Agency. On April 1, 2005 Frontier
County also joined forces with the agency. Hitchcock County
joined into the Region on October 1, 2007. Dundy County
recently joined Region 15 on November 1, 2012. The agency is made
up of one full time Director, a part-time Administrative Deputy
and four part time Deputy Directors for each county. Our support
staff consists of a Public Information Officer and several Volunteer
Weather Spotters.
Director Gerdes
Patrick Gerdes currently serves as the Director
of the Agency. In July of 2003 he was appointed to the Phelps
County Directors position. Prior to the appointment to Director,
he served as a Deputy Director for Phelps County for 2 years.
He has 25+ years of fire service, and emergency medical experience.
Director Gerdes is a Nebraska Advanced Certified Emergency Manager,
Nebraska Certified EMS Instructor and is trained to the Operations
Level of Hazardous Materials. He is currently the President-Elect
and has served as the West Central Area and the Central Area
Representative on the Board of Directors for the Nebraska Association
of Emergency Managers. Pat was awarded the "2007 Emergency Management
Professional of the Year" by the Nebraska Association of Emergency
Deputy Director Rupp
Dan Rupp also is serving as a Deputy Director
for the Region. Dan is also the Frontier County Sheriff and
will have Emergency Management duties and jurisdiction throughout
the Region as well. Dan has been very instrumental in the Frontier
County Emergency Management Program prior to his appointment
to the Region 15 EMA. He also has a background of fire service,
EMS and has received his Basic Certification as a Nebraska Emergency
Deputy Director Ocken
Dennis Ocken is another Deputy Director for
Region 15 EMA. Dennis also serves as the Gosper County Sheriff
and will be representing Emergency Management in all of the
counties making up Region 15 EMA. Dennis has a long background
in law enforcement and is looking forward to being involved
with the Region 15 EMA.
Deputy Director Clapp
Kyle serves as the Deputy Director for
Hitchcock County. He is a member of the Culbertson Fire
Department as well as an EMT with Culbertson EMS. Kyle is a
certified CPR Instructor with American Heart Association.
Kyle has completed the Nebraska Basic Certification program
and has a background in Public Information.
Deputy Director Reichert
Pam will serve as the Deputy Director for
Dundy County. She is an EMT with Dundy County EMS, an LPN
at the Dundy County Hospital, and recently completed her
Nebraska Basic Certification program for Emergency
Deputy Director Herrington
Dale Herrington is our most recent
addition to the Region 15 program. He will serve as the
Phelps County Deputy Director and has a background of EMS
and Fire Department Service. In 2011, Dale completed the
Nebraska Basic Certification program. He is a Certified
Storm Spotter, as well as a HAM Operator. Dale is currently
an employee of Source Gas.
Jill Schmidt
Jill Schmidt serves the agency as the part time Administrative Deputy for the Agency. Jill is
a Ragan native and comes to the agency with a background in
law enforcement after being employed with the Lincoln Police
Department for 10 years. She has a B.S. in Psychology from Nebraska
Wesleyan University. Schmidt is a Certified Basic Emergency Manager in Nebraska.
Jill is responsible for the daily office functions of the office
and will be utilized to handle situations in the absence of
the Director or Deputy Directors.