Weed Superintendent

Office Hours

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.






1305 2nd St
Holdrege, NE 68949




Phelps County Weed Superintendent's Website

Bobby Hamilton

Weed Superintendent

Bobby Hamilton is the Phelps County Weed Superintendent. Phelps County Weed Control is responsible for noxious weed control in Phelps County, Nebraska.

"Noxious" means harmful or destructive and comes from the Latin word "nocere", meaning to harm. In its current usage, "noxious" is a legal term used to denote a destructive or harmful pest for purposes of regulation. Noxious weeds found in Phelps County are: purple loosestrife (pictured at left), musk thistle (pictured below), Canada thistle and leafy spurge.

Noxious weeds compete with pasture grasses and crops, reducing yields substantially. Some noxious weeds are poisonous or injurious to man, livestock, and wildlife. The losses resulting from noxious weed infestations can be staggering, costing residents millions of dollars due to lost production.

The business of noxious weed control is everyone's concern, and their control is to everyone's benefit. The support of all citizens is vital for control of noxious weeds in Nebraska.